【同义词辨析】 2019-01-17 易受liable-sensitive

liable: implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or the action of forces beyond one's control: unless you are careful, you are ~ to fall.   incur招致to cause oneself to experience something unpleasant,如the government had incurred huge debts政府已负债累累, she incurred her father's wrath她招致父亲震怒)

open: stresses ease of access and a lack of protective barriers: a claim that is ~ to question.  例句也可以说成this is an open claim这是一个开放的主张,即允许质疑

exposed: suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening: the town's ~ position makes it impossible to defend.

subject: implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone: all reports are ~ to editorial revision.

prone: stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something: a person who is ~ to accidents.   propensity: 强烈的tendency倾向

susceptible: implies conditions existing in one's nature or individual constitution that make one unusually open to something, especially something deleterious: young children are ~ to colds.   (deleterious有害,常表示料想不到,如megadoses of vitamins can have deleterious effects维生素过量可能有害)

sensitive: implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli: her eyes are ~ to light. stimuli刺激stimulus的复数

liable易受: 指容易招致某事物,由于位置性质或不可抗力,open开放: 强调没有保护容易接近,exposed暴露: 表示针对实际存在的危胁没有保护,subject必须接受: 强调必须承受经历,prone易受: 表示倾向于招致损失,susceptible易传染感染: 由于自身属性体质容易受损害,sensitive敏感: 易于对刺激做出反应或受其影响(readiness准备就绪乐意,这里表示容易显效快)

记忆方法: 1)首字母LOESPSS组成SOPLESS无标准操作程序<==易受损失   (SOP: Standard Operating Procedure标准操作程序,台湾政论节目经常有人夹杂S.O.P这个词)
        2)易受的意思是容易遭受逆境mean being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse.